Saturday, August 18, 2012

Writing Session

I need to write, I need to write
the air told me I need to write.
Yesterday the heat energized my skin
deep down into the pores I heard it say
all sorts of lines, the chest pounding like the drums.
I walked and walked
and found myself beating the bad thoughts with
I need to write, I need to write.

The air died down to hometown smooth cool beats,
and the wind came down and told me I need to write.
It put my little princess down to sleep and
closed the eyes of my husband,
and I sat and I sat
and found myself running with thoughts,
I need to write, I need to write.

So much to fill the page with,
souls returning, life forming.
I am healing my mind, come find me creator,
I want to remember the path you once gave me a long time ago.

Come find me healer, I am ready now.
I am here as your pupil now.
I will not suffer self-subjection, now.
I cannot afford to now.
There is a little growing soul that I watch over now.
I am not alone now.
I am your pupil now, let me write, let me write.

There is always time to write,
when you need to write.

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